Sunday, March 27, 2011

Children organise sponsored bounce for charity fundraiser

TWELVE-YEAR-OLD Jenny-Lee Rollason organised a sponsored bounce to raise money for the charity which has helped her family.

Jenny-Lee's classmates at Moorside High School had races and games on space hoppers yesterday in aid of Caudwell Children.

The Stoke-based charity has previously helped her brother Owen, aged nine who suffers from cerebral palsy, and Jenny-Lee herself who has severe respiratory distress syndrome.

Jenny-Lee, from Bucknall, said: "We had a set amount of time on the space hopper and it was a fun way to raise money. Caudwell Children helped Owen by giving him a walker.

"When I was in Year 5, Owen had just had a big operation and we went to Disneyland in Paris."

In total, 150 year eight pupils took part in the challenge. Staff from Caudwell Children led the sessions in the school's sports hall.

Pupils were given envelopes to take home and collect sponsorship in before sealing them and returning to school. The money will be counted at a later date.

Anne Marshall, head of year eight, said: "Jenny-Lee has done a fantastic assembly about children with disabilities and how children don't need to look ill to be disabled. It's really made other people aware."

Jenny-Lee also joined in the challenge. Students were timed to see who could do the most bounces in a minute both against the clock and against each other. They also held races.

Sophie Street, from Caudwell Children, said: "The whole point of today is to raise awareness of disability.

"The children get to have a fun time and it's something different."

Melissa Gilbert, aged 13, of Bucknall, said: "It's been really fun and I think we have raised a lot of money. It looks silly when everyone is bouncing but fun."

Abbi Davies, aged 12, of Weston Coyney, who is a goalkeeper at Stoke Centre of Excellence, said: "It's different. It's really a case of messing about on a space hopper.

"Maybe a bit of balancing from goalkeeping comes in handy."

Summer Biddulph, aged 13, of Bucknall, was unable to take part yesterday because of an ankle injury but was watching from the sidelines.

She said: "There were boys against girls races, bouncing around in a circle and other activities.

"Some people are really good, but some just fall over."

Caudwell Children first staged Bounce in 2008 and since then 1,000 people have taken part, raising �20,000 for the charity.

Trudi Beswick, pictured above left, chief executive officer for Caudwell Children, said: "Despite her young age, Jenny-Lee has shown immense determination and maturity through her fund-raising efforts to help give other children the same chance of receiving support from Caudwell Children.

"Not only has she devoted time to helping boost funds for the charity, Jenny-Lee has also worked hard to try and raise awareness of disability among her peers."

Jenny-Lee and Owen are both child ambassadors for the charity.

To stage a bounce event call Sophie Street on 01782 600854.

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